Report: Nuclear Power in Australia

Peter Dutton and the federal opposition this week announced their plans to build seven nuclear power plants around Australia, if they take government after the next election. This has kicked off a round of public commentary and analysis into the viability of the Coalition’s plans, and also a more general discussion of whether nuclear power has a place within Australian society and the Australian energy grid. The debate is dominated by strong ideologies on both sides, meaning it can be hard to sort factual analysis from pre-existing bias and cherry picking.

In recent weeks, we have undertaken our own research into the realities facing nuclear energy within the Australian context, and we are pleased to release our newest ELMRI Report: Nuclear Power In Australia. We bring our rational, evidence-based perspective to many of the key issues within this important national debate, including:

  • The cost of developing and producing nuclear energy, compared to both traditional coal and gas, and variable renewable sources,

  • The feasibility of developing nuclear energy by 2035-37,

  • The geopolitical and investment risks within the Enriched Uranium supply chain, which is currently dominated by Rosatom, a Russian state-owned entity,

  • The viability of nuclear energy within our national energy grid, which is already in the process of being transformed to handle the majority of power coming from variable renewable sources.

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